Monday, January 21, 2008

Frustrated Musician

I have always wanted to be able to play a musical instrument. When I was young I yearned to play the piano but there was never enough room in our house for a piano or money for lessons. Then in my young adult years I thought I want to play the guitar so I ordered one from a catalog. Well still no money for lessons but my cousin had taught me some chords. Unfortuately the darn thing had a wide neck and I soon realized that I couldn't get my fingers around it so I sent it back. Later I got a chance to get a piano given to me. Well I wanted my daughters to learn the piano so I accepted it and the given promised to give my girls lessons. Well she did give the girls a few lessons but the piano was in pretty bad shape and really needed tuning which again I did not have the money for. Well the girls and I had fun plunking around and playing Twinkly Twinkly Little Star and a few other things. Eventually the girls and I lost interest and we needed to move to another house so the piano went bye bye.

The long and short of it is that I never learned to play the piano or anyother musical instrument . But I love music! I can play my cd player and radio really well and I am good at it so I guess that is enough right now. I think that in heaven I will be able to play the piano and sing beautifully. Mean while I am thankful that I can purchase some wonderful Christian music and have it at my fingertips. So now I am ready to jump into technology and see if I can play a MP3 player. Yes grandma is going to get a new source of music so when I travel the world this summer I still have my music. I will take any advice about this new project of mine.

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